This page will be dedicated to photos of my family. If you're a member of my family and you're looking for yourself here... give me a photo and I'll put it up!
(at my discretion, of course!)

I was looking through my photos and found these and decided to add them here.
To the right: Rebecca and Rachel, in 2000, when they were All Star teammates.
Below: Beautiful, our West Highland White Terrier
Bottom Right: Rebecca, Tiffany and Christopher, on the night of Rebecca's
8th Grade Graduation, June 16, 2005.
Here is Rebecca, with Jason Kidd and his son, TJ, taken at "Hall of Heroes" in Roosevelt Field Mall in Garden City, Long Island, NY, on April 16, 2005. Jason autographed the 8x10 photo of himself that you see on the table, and her 2004 Jason Kidd #5 All-Star East Jersey! He is such a nice guy!!! Go Nets!!!
Here are some photos from my Mom's birthday, which just so happens to be the same day we saw Jason Kidd... 4/16/05
Below: Christopher, Rachel, Mom and Rebecca
Right: Mom and Me

Now on to the older photos...
How about somewhere in the neighborhood of 1980?
Before responsibility came, I jumped out of a plane!
Here I am with 2 friends from work, which was at the time,
The Bergen Record in Hackensack, NJ.

This is me in the air, immediately after leaving the first plane I'd ever been on. It would be another year or so before I would actually have my first opportunity to land on a runway!
This is my landing. I think the image speaks for itself... don't you?
This is Rachel, Tiffany and Christopher. I'm guessing it's probably from the summer of 1991, which means that Rebecca had probably already been born, but didn't make it into the photo. Rachel would have been almost 2, Tiffany 5, and Chris 3.
Left to right, top to bottom: Tiffany, My niece-Johanna the graduate, Christopher, Rachel, Rebecca, Me, and my SIL Renée. Taken at Hanna's high school graduation, June 2004.
This is Renée, Alyssa, Sean, and Laurette. They just sent it to me in an e-mail from Epcot in Walt Disney World, Florida. I'm guessing that it was taken yesterday, June 27, 2004. Happy Vacation!
This is Christopher and Rachel. This must have been taken in 1990. I know it was a while ago, since both of them are taller than me now. (sigh)

This is Chris, Rachel, Tiffany and Rebecca.
Here's one from our driving trip out west. This was my ambitious attempt to show the kids my favorite place - Colorado. On the way we stopped at the Creation Science Museum in Texas. This would have been the best vacation... if only the kids didn't all end up with a stomach flu. It was definitely an experience! Feeling bad for my kids, I decided to try to get them home as soon as possible, so I drove home from Omaha, Nebraska in 25 hours. Don't try this at home.
I took this photo of the bridge over the Royal Gorge. I love this place! What a view!!! (This is an actual photo. I promise that this was not created in Bryce!)
Tiffany, as a high school freshman at Hawthorne Christian Academy. She is a Varsity starting pitcher!
(Spring, 2001)
Rebecca, keeper of the score! She was in fourth grade here. Braids courtesy of Tiffany.
(Spring, 2001)
The top photo here is: My twin sister, Vanessa (holding Pepper), our sister, Teri, our Mom, and Me!
This photo was taken by my Dad at Teri's daughter Jessica's High School Graduation party.
The bottom photo shows Vanessa's daughter Hanna, Me, and Jessica. (same day)
This is my Dad! I don't have any information on this photograph, but as soon as he gives me some, I'll update this here.
Here is a picture of Sherlock Holmes... aka, Vanessa. She tells me that this must have been taken in the summer of 2001, right before they moved away.
And last, but not least... here is a photo of me, helping Vanessa and Joe with their move to their beautiful new home!

I know there are a lot of my family members not well represented here... I'll have to make changes as I go to fit them all! I know I have a picture with me and the kids around here someplace... under all of these books and clutter....
Oh well! Thanks for taking the time to get a small glimpse of my life and family! I love them all, they are all special and unique and a gift from God! So are YOU! God bless you!

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